May 19th, 2017
It's been a very busy few weeks, but things are finally coming together!
First of all, Glitter on the Garland is now available in paperback! When I held the first physical copy in my hand, it was a pretty amazing feeling. I never intended this little novel to ever be anything more than an eBook, but to now see people from all over the world sending me photos of them holing it in their hands as well…that's a damn awesome thing.
I'm slowly getting together the bits and pieces for my table at shiMMer on July 1st in Birmingham. I have pens with my name on!!! I feel like a real author now lol. I'm also planning on making cupcakes…but let's see how that goes first before we get excited…
The main news is that A Ballad of Confetti, Cake and Catastrophes has now been edited, and all that's left is for me to polish it up so we can set about formatting it for release! If all goes well, the 100K word eBook should go live on May 26th, with the print versions coming asap afterwards – hopefully no more than a few days! Signal Boost Promotionswill also be orchestrating an online review tour as of June 1st. I'm just a little bit nervous about that!
I've started planning on the next book: Without a Compass. This is supposed to be just a fun little summer novella…but I said that about the last two books, so I'm going to hold off on predicting how long this will actually be, or the estimated release date. All I can promise is that I'm working as fast as I can!